Tuesday, May 3, 2011

YouTube and the Natural Hair Community


There is something very powerful about YouTube. In the summer of 2010, I considered myself to be 'natural', not even knowing what 'natural' truly is. I wanted to do something special with my hair and I remember my friend (a lochead) suggesting that I go onto YouTube for tutorials. I was introduced to a world that I didn't even know existed. The Natural Hair Community. So, to anyone newly natural, thinking about going natural, looking for new styles, tutorials, inspiration or tips, look on YouTube!!


  1. love this, now i can go lookup some of these Natural~Beauties and find out more tips of taking care my natural...naturalchica rocks!!!

  2. Thank you! Check out my Tumblr: http://www.tumblr.com/tumblelog/thesociologyofblackhair
